When did you last feel suspended in a hammock of happiness?
Where were you, what were you doing or not doing?
You know the feeling where you feel part of everything caught in the warp and weft of life. Almost timeless, you are pervaded with a complete and utter happiness and content with the world.
What are you thinking as you read this?
Phooey! don’t be so ridiculous – does your idea of achieving this involve hundreds of pounds, cast of thousands, wall to wall sunshine?
I think societally we are taught to look outside ourselves to find things that make us happy. The right house in the right area, clothes, watch, car, holidays, amount of money in the bank. Yes, we need clothes, a home and money in the bank.
Do those things make your heart sing?
In fact not even sing more like a deep resonant hum (I am channeling Winnie the Pooh here!) What fills you up, makes you feel at peace with yourself in and of the world? My suspicion is that it isn’t Cartier watches (nice to have, essential?) Well not for me but I am not making judgements we are all different.
I have had four recent experiences of the hammock of happiness.
1. Going to the theatre with friends – this was quite a bundle of happiness – being with the friends, the production of Les Mis and the effect on your emotions, plus seeing the joy and wonder on the face of the elderly friend (87) who came with us. She hadn’t been into Central London for 40 years and had the most fabulous time.
2. Driving down the motorway listening to The Blue Danube waltz.
3. Talking to a lady in a market about the beautiful cards she had painted.
4. Watching the starlings and sparrows in the garden queuing up to have a bath in the pond and the abandon with which they bathed.
Life feels good both at the time and afterwards.
For those of you old enough to remember the Ready Brek kid, I felt a glow around me, plus a real contentment with the world. When you feel like that I would suggest that you are at peace with both yourself everyone else. Your interactions with others differ, the glow extends to others and the world is a better place for it. Therefore, arguably, it is worth seeking out and noticing what gives you this feeling. It is good for you and everyone you interact with.
This doesn’t have to be anything massive or complicated –
Look for the small things that make your heart hum.