Video appointments now available.

Carol PlumridgeNews & Events

Online appointments/telehealth does it work? Over the past eight weeks I have been able to help clients with a range of different issues.  Of course this has been remotely either by phone or video. It has proved something that I have always suspected that treatment is more than just hands on.Firstly work out what the problem is, does the client need onward referral and … Read More

Skydiving for charity

adminNews & Events

As you maybe aware Team APT threw themselves out of a plane recently. It was in order to raise money for the Wiltshire Air ambulance, but also to help the team to stretch their expectations of themselves.  I didn’t have to do it, but I thought that they are going to come back full of it and I would like … Read More

Asking the right question

Carol PlumridgeNews & Events

I recently had an issue with the central heating. I tried to resolve it myself but had to ask the right question of a professional. After several calls to plumbers (including my brother!) and the boiler manufacturers I had no resolution to the problem. I booked an engineer to come and have a look. After a night sleeping on the … Read More

Chippenham Half Marathon

adminNews & Events

Come and meet us on Sunday 4th September at theChippenham Sports field grounds. We will be available from 8.30am for advice and treatment to the athletes and their friends and families. The race starts at 9.30am and we have a lull before the competitors start to return. So if you would like some help and advice come on down, Its a … Read More